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China,s plywood exports hit a record high

Since 2012, China's plywood export volume has exceeded 10million cubic meters.
The output of China's plywood industry has also been rising since 2012, and only declined at the end of 2019 due to the epidemic.
China's plywood export accounts for about 5% of the output, and the output will increase by 9% in 2020, reaching 215million cubic meters. Plywood produced in China is mainly used in China.
The Philippines is the largest plywood export market of China in 2021, accounting for 9% of the national total. China's plywood export market is very diversified. The export volume of the top 10 destination countries in 2021 only accounts for 50% of the national total.
In 2021, plywood exports to Vietnam decreased by 20% to 560000 cubic meters, making it the only country with a decline. The main reasons are the increase in plywood production in Vietnam and the decline in the production capacity of factories using plywood due to the impact of the epidemic.

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  • Mob/WhatsApp:0086 183 5498 5633
  • linkedin:linkedin.com/in/victor-l-a46583121
  • Wechat:0086 183 5498 5633
  • Email:victorlee@yiyuanplywood.com

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